2 PROVEN Ways to Save Energy and Time With Your Work Outs

When you hear the phrase “work out”, what’s your initial feeling?

Those who work out often with gym memberships and post recommended tik tok work out reels, may feel thrilled or psyched.

If you are anything like me. You’re most likely to have a cringing feeling.

“Working out” has been conditioned for you to think of…

  1. Spending hours at the gym
  2. Running in 100 degree weather
  3. Eating like a gerbil (carrots and lettuce)

But did you know that you can work out and become physically healthy without sacrificing your alone time or the taste of some good, seasoned food?


By now, you know there are tons of reasons why everyone should work out.

Some of them being

  • improvement of brain health
  • weight management
  • reduce risks of diseases

And as significant as these are. Many struggle with either finding the motivation and/or the time to work out.

“You don’t have to be the most fit, just the most fit you”



If you think about it, you were so “in shape” when you were in highschool or college compared to now.

Blood pressure was perfect. Body fat percentage was normal. Cholesterol was typical.

All while eating the same diet as you do now. Why is that?

Yes, your metabolism has a hand into it, but working out does as well.

Do you know what you did more of when you were younger compared to now?


How much did you walk throughout your average day when you were younger?

  • Walked to the bus stop
  • Walked into the school
  • Walked to your home room/ first class
  • Walked from class to class
  • Walked to the bus/car
  • Walked home

For at least 5 days out of the week (M-F), and that doesn’t even include after school activities such as sports.

Exercise has always been present. You just never realized it.

bored formal man watching laptop at desk


But why does it feel like so much work now? Well, it’s not included in your daily tasks.

Now-a-days, you

  • Drive where you need to go
  • Sit at work for majority of the day
  • Sit on the couch
  • Go to bed

Rinse and repeat. Exercising is at a minimum.

In reality, you don’t need to 

  • Buy fancy gear and start running around the neighborhood.
  • Buy a bunch of equipment to lift weights (that’s going to end up collecting dust because you gave up on exercising).
  • Sign up to some weight loss program or some gym membership


“You should evaluate where you’re putting your time, and seek reward out of that”

Mark Cuban
crop black man walking near subway

I went from 215 lbs. to 170 lbs. in a span of 6 months.

I shedded 45 lbs. all without

  • Lifting a single weight
  • Doing one jump of a jump rope

This is how I did it:

  1. I researched all different types of diets and chose the one I felt I could not only start, but stay with from a long time (I went with Keto)
  2. I got at least 6,000 steps in a day (around 3 miles)

And that’s it!

My work out consisted of me completing my daily tasks without setting aside time or energy.

Now, 6,000 steps may not seem like a like to some but to the ones who work at a job that doesn’t present many opportunities to walk around and get steps in, 6,000 steps is a ton!

I usually completed my 6,000 steps by the end of my shift, but there were many days I was short.

On those days

  • I took my dog for a walk (short or long depending on how many steps i still needed for the day)
  • Cleaned the house (you’d be surprised how many steps you can get in while cleaning)
  • Chased my toddler daughter around the house (those with toddlers – you understand the amount of steps you can get out of this activity)

I met my goal weight and got in the best shape of my life by saving a ton of my time and energy.

Disclaimer: My journey to a more healthy version of myself is solely a suggestion. If you have health issues, visit a doctor.

“Set yourself up for success, so you don’t set yourself up to fail”


Next –> What is self-growth? And why you’re addicted to it

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