Use isolation as an investment tool – “Energy is similar to money”


  • Quit isolating yourself without a purpose
  • The energy you’re saving by staying to yourself, use it!
  • Break pointless habits and begin your discipline journey
  • Invest in your self-growth by spending your own energy on yourself

A wise man once said, “energy is just like money…if you save it with no purpose of investing it you’re never going to grow!”

The pattern of isolation

Some of you may isolate yourselves to recoup and reset from being so busy, but most of you isolate yourselves for comfort.

You make up a reason to get out of social gatherings over and over and over.

“I have social anxiety”, “I don’t have anyone to watch my dog”, you even ignore texts and calls to then later say “i fell asleep” or “I was out of town”.

No matter which way you put it, simply put, you’re the most comfortable in isolation.

You don’t want to spend your precious time and energy being uncomfortable around others, so what do you do? You store it.

That’s right you keep it all to yourself for the sake of comfort.

You stay at home and scroll on tik tok, instagram, YouTube, you name it!

Re-runs; junk food; and naps.

Then you wrap it up and go about your work life or school, or whatever you typically do during the day until you get another chance of be in complete isolation.

Pointless cycle of isolation

Then what happens when you’re alone again? That’s right you do it all again. And what you end up doing is creating a pointless and meaningless behavior cycle.

A behavior cycle that has no purpose at all. 

Now I’m not advising you to avoid alone time. No. But what I am advising you to do is make that isolation worth it!


Use that isolation time to create a useful and effective behavior cycle!

Instead of scrolling on social media – scroll on podcasts. 

Start a money budgeting plan.

Instead of eating comfort food, begin your keto, low-carb, vegan diet, or whatever you’ve been putting off for the longest.

Just start it! 


Use that isolation time to begin developing those habits and that discipline to become the you that you’re inspiring to be.

Now, are there times where you’ve been so busy and all you want to do is just engage in your guilty pleasures like scrolling on social media and eating comfort food or whatever?


But those occasions aren’t as frequent as you may think. Ok?

They’re rare.

If you’re being honest with yourself that may happen maybe one day out of the week, two days top!

Now’s the time to break that meaningless cycle that you’re in and start creating a productive and useful cycle; in isolation, to see the gains that you want to see within your life.

“If you’re not setting yourself up for success, then by default, you’re setting yourself up for failure.”

Tabias Hilliard

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