I have 2 degrees, but confidence is 1 thing I wish I learned in highschool

Key points

  • STOP being a crowd follower
  • Figure out your personal strengths and weaknesses (document them)
  • OWN who you are and what you’re great at
  • CREATE opportunities to showcase your strengths

“I never had someone tell me that they wanted to be like me UNTIL I started being myself” – Way Of T


Self-confidence: a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment (Oxford)

High school is usually the first BIG melting pot that you and I get involved in on a daily basis. It’s a melting pot that is made up of so MANY personalities.

Manipulators; opportunitists; tag a’ longs; gossipers; drama queens; know-it-alls; slackers; trouble makers; jocks; the popular and the not so popular.

If you’re a very impressionable person like me, then your personality doesn’t easily allow you to TRUST in who you are and what you’re capable of (confidence).

With these types of people, my self-confidence was at an all time LOW. I didn’t know who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.

Now, why is self-confidence even important to have in high school?

Because, if you don’t trust your OWN capabilities and decision making, then you’re going to put that trust in something or someone else.

That’s how it naturally goes! (which is why I deleted my social media accounts later in life, because I realized my ideas weren’t even my own.)

But nevertheless, I literally WASTED my ENTIRE  high school life attempting to find myself by trying to be like other people.

Which ended up pushing my true self further away.

I tried to be like the floater, the nerd, the class clown, and the jock. 

It wasn’t until I was around 25 years old until I learned HOW to actually be self-confident.


My advice to my younger self or that person who has very low self-confidence is:

  1. BUILD your self-esteem 

KNOW your worth and your abilities – so you can SEE yourself in the highest manner. 

Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? If not, try to FIGURE. IT. OUT. NOW!

Trust me!

Would you rather waste time being like other people (who don’t even fully know themselves) or use that time to start being YOU?!

Write, type, or just think about your strengths and weaknesses. That’s the NUMBER 1 step of being confident in yourself.

(Here’s a list of attributes to help you start)


And second.

  1. BECOME self efficient

Once you know what you’re great at vs. what you could work on, START  carrying out your abilities and skills for outcomes that benefit YOU.

For example, if you’re good at chess, join the chess club.

Create the environment for YOU to succeed. 

Get around people and get involved in activities that bring your abilities to the light!

So then, you won’t have time to be like anyone because you’re being FULFILLED. That’s when you begin finding your PURPOSE!

Tag a’long? – FORGET IT!

I never had someone tell me that they wanted to be like me UNTIL I started being myself.

Sucks that it took me 25 years

“If you’re not setting yourself up for success; then by default, your setting yourself up for failure”

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